OIT Terms & Acronyms


AC - D - E - F - G - I - J - L - MO - P - R - S - T - U - VWX


AVMP - Agency Vulnerability Management Program


CBMS - Colorado Benefits Management System. The system that determines eligibility and manages benefits for food, health and housing assistance for our state’s most vulnerable residents
CCIC - Colorado Crime Information Center
CCT - Contracts & Compliance Team. An internal team within OIT’s Procurement and Vendor Services (PVS) that ensures compliance with all regulations, rules, policies, and procedures related to IT contracting for OIT and Executive Branch agencies. Team specializes in interpretation of terms and conditions, software license terms, IT contracts for Executive Branch agencies, interagency and intergovernmental agreements, contract negotiation, contract disputes, vendor evaluation and performance to mitigate risk and ensure contracts are managed and evaluated throughout their lifecycle.
CDS - Colorado Digital Service
CFO - Chief Financial Office. Executive leader of the Financial Office, the functional area of OIT that focuses on financial services, procurement, vendor management, human resources, and legislative affairs. 
CIAC - Colorado Information Analysis Center
CIM - Colorado Information Marketplace (at data.colorado.gov)
CIN - Colorado Information Network
CISP - Colorado Information Security Program
CJIS - Criminal Justice Information Services
CMDB - Configuration Management Database
Consolidated Agency - Refers to those executive branch agencies whose IT functions were consolidated under OIT on July 1, 2008 pursuant to SB 08-155 and defined in C.R.S. 4-37.5-102(4).
CORA - Colorado Open Records Act requires that most public records be available to the public. Anyone can request information that is in the possession of a government office.
CORE - Colorado Operations Resource Engine. The state’s accounting and financial management system of record.
C.R.S. - Colorado Revised Statutes
CSN - Colorado State Network. The state’s wide area network, which touches all 64 counties and connects nearly 100 public-sector entities statewide.


DTRS - Digital Trunked Radio System. Part of the Public Safety Communications Network, DTRS provides first responders across federal, state, local and tribal jurisdictions in Colorado with operability and interoperability on a standards-based, near seamless wireless system. This system averages more than 9,000 hours of talk time each month.


EA - Enterprise Applications. Team responsible for developing and implementing software solutions to meet customer and enterprise needs across the state.
Enterprise Architecture - Team responsible for performing this complex analysis of business structure and processes, and attempt to address the goals of Enterprise Architecture: Effectiveness, Efficiency, Agility, and Durability
Enterprise Agreement (24.37.5-102(1.6)) - Means any agreement for the purchase of IT or for the purchase of goods or services that are related to IT that OIT enters into for the benefit of the state and that is created in furtherance of the OIT's requirements or responsibilities.
EPPMO - Enterprise Portfolio Project Management Office
ESC - Executive Steering Committee
ePHI - Electronic Protected Health Information
ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning
ESC - Executive Steering Committee


4DX - Four Disciplines of Execution


GDAB - Government Data Advisory Board
GIS - Geographic Information Systems. Computer system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present all types of geographical data. One of the primary GIS uses at OIT is mapping availability of broadband services around the state. 


IA - Interagency Agreement. Bilateral signed agreement between two or more Colorado state agencies. Exempt from bidding requirements of the State Procurement Code.
IAM - Identity & Access Management
IGA - Inter-Governmental Agreement. Bilateral signed agreement between two or more governmental entities (cities, counties, towns, fire departments, state agency, federal government). Exempt from bidding requirements of the State Procurement Code.
ITAM - IT Asset Management
ITD - IT Director. A position within OIT, the ITD is a liaison between OIT and their assigned customer agency/agencies.
ITIL - Information Technology Infrastructure Library
ITPM - Information Technology Portfolio Manager
ITSC - Information Technology Steering Committee
ITSM - Information Technology Service Management
ITT - IT Transformation. See our Reimagine IT site here.
IV&V - Independent Verification & Validation. IV&V means ensuring that a product, service, or system meets required specifications and that it fulfills its intended purpose. The review of such product, service, or system is typically performed by an independent third party. Source: C.R.S. 24-37.5-103(1.8)


JTC - Joint Technology Committee. The legislative committee responsible for developing, promoting technology standards for the courts, improving court processes and business practices; ensures adequate education and training for court leaders in technology; collaborates with the justice community and other stakeholders.


LOE - Level of Effort


MS-ISAC - Multi-State Information Sharing & Analysis Center


OCC - Operations Control Center (formerly called the NOC)
ODBC - Open Database Connectivity
OIS - Office of Information Security
OIT - Governor’s Office of Information Technology


PEAK - Program Eligibility and Application Kit
PSBN - Public Safety Broadband Network 
PVS or Procurement and Vendor Services - Team responsible for purchasing, contracting, vendor training and introductions and contract compliance.


RQS - Requisition
RSB - Rates & Services Board
RtB - Real-time Billing


ServiceHub - Platform implemented in June 2021 to replace Clarity CA as the project and portfolio management tracking system. Additional modules will be added to provide a single platform for accessing OIT products and services.
SIPA - Statewide Internet Portal Authority
SLA - Service Level Agreements. Part of a service contract where a service is formally defined.


TAC - Technical Advisory Committee
Trails - Colorado’s Statewide Automated Case Management System


USD - Unified Software Distribution


VPN - Virtual Private Network

WIGs - Wildly Important Goals

XaaS - [anything] as a Service. A term to collectively refer to things such as SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.