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Have you been smished? Don’t get hooked into sharing personal data

Have you ever received a text message from a bank or delivery service asking for personal information or to click on a link? Well, you might have been smashed! Smishing is a form of social engineering that uses text messages (SMS) to trick you into giving up personal data or clicking on malicious links. The goal is usually to steal your passwords, credit card details or other sensitive information.

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Smartphone with mousetrap attached and hand about to type into chat box

StateScoop: Colorado completes two-year data center migration

After more than two years of work, Colorado this year completed migration from a leased data center to a state-owned data center. Officials said moving from the “eFORT Data Center” to the new “Lakewood Data Center” will save nearly $2 million annually in lease costs, and offer improved data security, cloud capabilities and long-term scalability.

Read the StateScoop article

Rows of servers in the Lakewood Data Center

Broadband workforce needs

Due to an influx in federal funding, the state anticipates that over 3,000 jobs must be filled between 2024 and 2027 to complete and maintain broadband networks. The Colorado Broadband Office (CBO) and the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) are creating coalitions, investing in training and raising awareness to support the industry. Visit the CBO’s Workforce webpage for information and resources. For job-specific information, read the Workforce Plan.

Learn about broadband workforce development

Worker standing on a ladder working on fiber on a pole

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