General OIT Rules Information

The Governor's Office of Information Technology (OIT) is committed to transparency and open government. We provide information about rules to enable rulemaking that is consistent, transparent and collaborative. Your participation in rulemaking can contribute to quality information technology rules in Colorado.

Stakeholder Notices

Learn more and take action

  • Technology Accessibility Rules under review
  • Share your feedback with the current rules and ideas for improvement 

What are Rules?

Many state government agencies issue rules or regulations of some kind to regulate certain business and personal activities. Rules have the same force as legislation, and they exist at the direction of the state legislature in order to clarify legislation. Rules and regulations are easier to update, eliminate, or alter than legislation as conditions change. 

Multiple sections of the Colorado Revised Statutes authorize OIT to create rules. The unique authorization for a particular rule appears in the introductory statement for each rule.

Get Involved

How You Can Engage in the Process 

How We Engage Stakeholders

Accommodation Requests

OIT is committed to providing equal access to our meetings for all participants. If you would like to request a reasonable accommodation to attend and participate in a public rulemaking hearing, please contact oit_rules@state.co.us with your request by the close of business at least one week in advance of a meeting.

OIT Rulemaking Steps & How to Participate

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OIT Determines to Start Making or Amending Rules

Individuals interested in rulemaking may sign up at any time to receive notifications about OIT rule creation and revision.

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Rule Development

  • OIT reaches out to partners and stakeholders for input.
  • The proposed rules and instructions for providing comments also appear on OIT’s website.

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OIT Announces a Public Rulemaking Hearing

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Invitation for Public Comments

  • OIT reaches out to the public and stakeholders for input
  • The proposed rules and instructions for providing comments also appear on OIT’s website.

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Public Rulemaking Hearing

  • Interested parties may provide comments during the hearing.

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Adoption of Final Rules

  • OIT may adopt rules following the public hearing or up to 180 days later.
  • The Attorney General provides an opinion of the adopted rules.
  • OIT informs partners and stakeholders about the adopted rules.

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Publication of the Adopted Rules and Rulemaking Record

Final Rules

OIT Technical Standards and Policies

In addition to rules, OIT defines technical standards and policies, which are required of all State of Colorado executive branch agencies.