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IT Transformation Program leaves a lasting impact

In 2020, the State of Colorado and OIT launched the IT Transformation (ITT) Program to modernize government technology and improve service delivery. The recently released ITT Final Report highlights the program’s latest achievements and provides a comprehensive review of the milestones reached since its inception four years ago. With contributions from more than 450 agency and county partners, ITT successfully completed 40 projects that increased efficiency, transparency and customer satisfaction across state IT operations.

Although the ITT program has officially concluded, the mission to modernize systems, enhance service delivery and improve access to state services continues through the implementation of the Governor’s Operational Agenda and the Colorado Digital Government Strategic Plan. Innovation remains a driving force in shaping secure, user-centered digital solutions that benefit all Coloradans.

Read the report

IT Transformation Program Four-Year Report

Steer clear of website scammers

We all use a variety of websites every day to do our jobs. Website content can include links to related articles or supporting information that may be helpful for the work you’re doing. While most links are legitimate, scammers could also take advantage of unsuspecting digital explorers. Avoid scams while browsing with these tips. 

  1. Don’t click on pop-ups. Links to download or install software could let a scammer into your computer. Follow your agency’s process for requesting software on your state computer. 
  2. If it seems too good to be true, it usually is. While offers for free content, software and products may be enticing, they could contain hidden viruses or malicious software. If you need a tech product to do your job, follow your agency’s process to request it.  
  3. Don’t click on shortened URLs. Shortened URLs are easier to remember and often used in social media but completely mask a link's true identity. Instead, use a search engine to find a legitimate URL for a site you want to visit.

Hands typing on a laptop with a red warning symbol in front

Broadband workforce needs

Due to an influx in federal funding, the state anticipates that over 3,000 jobs must be filled between 2024 and 2027 to complete and maintain broadband networks. The Colorado Broadband Office (CBO) and the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) are creating coalitions, investing in training and raising awareness to support the industry. Visit the CBO’s Workforce webpage for information and resources. For job-specific information, read the Workforce Plan.

Learn about broadband workforce development

Worker standing on a ladder working on fiber on a pole

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