


Subcommittees of GDAB were initially formed to create the deliverables as stipulated in HB21-1236Subcommittee members are agency staff appointed by their agency GDAB member. These groups meet bimonthly, often subdividing into working groups to do more targeted work. Products of these subcommittees are designed to advance the mission of GDAB and are approved by the main GDAB committee prior to publication/adoption.  

Data Governance

Addresses structure and compliance initiatives across agencies and defines protocols and recommendations for statewide initiatives. Current areas of focus include security practices and data-related staff roles and functions. 

Next Data Governance Meeting

On hold pending GDAB Vote

Zoom Link  |  Agenda  |  Meeting Notes   


Data Inventory

Aligns the inventory process by providing an unambiguous scope and gathers protocols for cataloging by establishing data inventory scope and requirements, creating an agency data inventory, defining data ownership and accountability, and performing source of truth discovery.

Next Data Inventory Meeting

On hold

Zoom Link  |  Agenda  |  Meeting Notes    

Data Sharing

Addresses hurdles related to the handling, accessibility and utilization of data statewide by exploring and defining data sharing agreement discovery and management, policies and procedures, and data sharing standards. Efforts are underway to enhance the existing Standard Data Sharing Agreement and investigate corresponding data sharing processes and procedures. 

Next Data Sharing Meeting

Tuesday, June 18, 2-3 p.m.

Tuesday, July 2, 2-3 p.m.

Zoom Link  |  Agenda  |  Meeting Notes    


HB21-1236 Mandated Deliverables

Representatives and data experts from state agencies contributed a great amount of time and energy into these documents. We recognize that these are living documents and updates will be required as legislation and policies change. Our immediate next steps will be further refining the documents to become more actionable for state agencies, ensuring alignment and cohesion within this collection of documents.



Data Inventory

  • Data Inventory Scope & Requirements

Data Sharing

Data Governance

Other Deliverables 

In addition to the mandated deliverables, GDAB has deveoped and approved additional documents designed to support agencies and promote best practices

Data Sharing Maturity Self Assessment Tool and User Guide