RFP Interview & Demo Accessibility Questions

The questions below are a starting point to help OIT or other state agency teams understand the level of accessibility built into a vendor’s service, product, process and culture. Please refer to OIT’s Accessibility Guide for Procurement for more resources, including a handy Vendor Accessibility Checklist.

Question Examples

  • What standards do you use when evaluating your product's accessibility support?
  • Do you develop solutions that conform to WCAG 2.1, Level A and AA specifications?
  • What internal processes do you use to evaluate and remediate accessibility issues? Do you use any assistive technology applications?
  • What types of automated and manual accessibility testing procedures do you perform?
  • How do you ensure keyboard and/or touch support for any interactive elements?
  • Because/If “X” is not accessible to screen readers, how will you find solutions to maximize the effectiveness of “X” for people with disabilities?
  • How is accessibility and inclusivity integrated into your culture and how is that reflected in product development and quality assurance testing to ensure the equivalent ease of use for individuals with disabilities?
  • What types of documentation can you provide about the product's accessibility conformance?  
    • Do you have a VPAT?
    • Do you work with any third-party vendors to certify your product is WCAG 2.1 compliant?
  • Is there a designated accessibility representative at your company to address issues or questions about accessibility issues?
  • What training and experience do the technical teams have in creating accessible products and/or services? Is accessibility training or support updated on a regular basis for internal teams?

State Agency Planning Resources

IT Accessibility Planning Guide

The IT Accessibility Planning Guide website is made available only to state agencies for the purpose of providing guidance, tools and updates that are relevant only to state agencies and their unique statutory requirements. The Technology Accessibility Program team (TAP) has made every effort to provide similar, relevant resources available to local government entities (see Local Government Resources).

Contact: oit_accessibility@state.co.us

Local Government Planning Resources

Accessibility Planning for Local Government, 2023 (Google Slides)

This presentation is designed to help local government teams understand their responsibilities and provide basic guidance for planning and operationalizing accessibility. Similar guidance can be found on the Accessibility Planning Core Criteria webpage.

  • Colorado Laws for Persons with Disabilities
  • Planning tools and guidance
  • Links to more information and resources

Contact: oit_accessibility@state.co.us